Sunday, May 24, 2009

Heatspreader / Memory Cooler

Check this out! This heatspreader will improve your PC performance by reducing the heat of your memory.... It just RM 25.... Order? here my number : 017 - 2410903


GIANT TURTLE!! Save the marine life!

Friday, May 22, 2009

GreySkyMorning - Kiosk

Hi, we meet again! This is my old artwork at UiTM Malacca... Really oldschool, isn't? But from artwork like this, i can get RM 50 for per kiosk! Ha ha ha... Syukur...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

An Invitation Card - Hujan's Star Concert

Ello! This is my first artwork uploaded to this blog. Give comment ya!

Noob Blogger

Firstly, thank to God that with His Blessing, I found an article in Kosmo! Newspaper on 20 May 2009 entitled "Pelukis Blog Kartun" by Yeo Li Shian. I'm interested with the blog ( that represent blogger's (Nor Emila Yusof) artworks. So that, today, I create my blog to represent my flash work to the world especially to Malaysian. Finally, who is 'flash lover', you are invited to visit my blog and also give your comment and advice.. Thank You!